International Arbitration “IUS” considers civil law, including corporate disputes, arising between any subjects of law (organizations, citizens), subject to the agreement of the parties.
Arbitration has 30 years of experience in resolving disputes arising from contracts for the international sale of goods, supply, lease, leasing, contracting, transportation, factoring, from production sharing agreements, corporate contracts, as well as investment disputes. One of the specializations of Arbitration is the resolution of banking disputes arising from credit legal relations, pledge agreements, guarantees, sureties and others.
In addition, the International Arbitration “IUS” considers disputes related to the results of intellectual activity and with equivalent means of individualization of legal entities, goods, works, services; disputes arising from the development and sale of medicines and their components.
A separate category is made up of sports disputes, as well as disputes between advertising agencies and mass media. Disputes are considered according to the norms of Kazakhstani, Russian legislation or the law of any other state.
The place of consideration of disputes can be any office of the Arbitration or any other place (country, city) at the choice of the parties.