Popondopulo Vladimir Fedorovich

1972-1977 - Faculty of Law, Far Eastern State University. 1978-1981 - full-time postgraduate study at the Department of Civil Law of the Leningrad State University under the supervision of prof. O.S. Ioffe and prof. V.T. Smirnova with the defense of her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Dynamics of the legal relationship and civil liability".
Ученая степеньDoctor of Law
Место работыAssociate Professor, Professor, Head of the Department of Commercial Law, St. Petersburg State University; Head of the Master's Program "Business Law"
Области специализацииCivil law, business law. Scientific activity is carried out on a wide range of problems of civil and commercial law, theory of law, civil and arbitration process, private international law, legal education and the judicial system. Main scientific directions: problems of obligations and responsibility under civil law; problems of business law; problems of legal regulation of bankruptcy.